Doctor’s Recommended 8 Summar Skincare Tips

Don’t forget to change your skincare routine while you’re cleaning your house, letting your clothes dry in the sun, and rearranging your closet during the summer season. When the seasons change, you need to switch to products and a strict skincare routine that is made for that season. In the winter, serums, oils, and creams were all the rage, but summer is the perfect time to switch to lighter skincare products and a simpler routine. Every day, the heat is getting worse, and it can damage your skin.

Start by moving things around in your beauty closet. Put your summer items up front where they are easy to get to. 


Follow this eight-step plan to give your skin a boost this summer.

Wash your skin.

The first step in summer skin care is to wash your face to get rid of any dirt and oil that has built up. Use a facewash that is gentle and doesn’t contain alcohol, and wash your face well twice or three times a day.


Good exfoliation

Everyone knows that winter makes your skin look dull and dry. Exfoliation is the answer to this. Use a gentle scrub to get rid of dry, dead skin twice a week. This will leave your skin healthy, glowing, and radiant.


Swap your moisturizer

Switch from a heavy cream or oil to a lighter, watery moisturizer. When the weather gets warmer, the face holds more water, so using products that contain water is a must. Using a moisturizer protects your skin from the sun and helps your foundation last longer.


SPF is a yes

To keep your skin healthy, you must protect it from the sun’s rays. In the summer, you must have a good sun protection factor. Don’t ever leave your house without it. After you moisturize your skin, put SPF 30 sunscreen on your face, neck, and hands, whether you’re going outside or not.
Note: You can use a moisturizer that does both moisturizing and sun protection.


Use a quality face serum

This is the time of year to buy a good face serum with vitamin C. You can put a few drops of face serum between your moisturizer and sunscreen for extra skin protection and to get rid of hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and other skin problems. It also helps collagen grow.


Upgrade your products

Change happens when you use the right skincare products in the right way, but it also happens when you use clean, out-of-date products. When is a better time to upgrade your vanity box than during the summer? Brushes and products that aren’t clean have a lot of bacteria on them, which can make pores get clogged and skin look dull. Clean your makeup brushes every few days to keep them clean. Use a brush-cleaning spray or hand soap, and then dry the brushes with a blow dryer. This summer, clean out your vanity box by throwing out any old products and replacing them with newer, more useful ones.


Stay moist

Last but not least, the most important step in summer skincare is drinking water. Whether you’re working out, running, or juggling work and home, you need to drink water. It keeps you from getting dehydrated and keeps your body temperature stable.


Keep your skin from getting too much sun

When going out in the sun, don’t forget to wear your sunglasses and bring an umbrella or a wide-brimmed hat. This shields your skin from the sun. And try to wear clothes that cover your skin and keep it from getting tanned or burned.

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