Sixteen out of a hundred adults are suffering from constipation and one-third of the elderly population is suffering from it. We all know what constipation is – it is the difficulty of emptying the bowel which is associated with hardened stool. In this article, I have written about 10 easy things that you can do to get relief from constipation naturally.
How to get relief from constipation fast (10 tips)
All these tips are healthy, easy to follow and accepted by the physicians.
1. Drink plenty of water
When your body is dehydrated, your body tries to preserve every drop of water. It absorbs more water from your half-digested foods in your gut. It makes the stool drier and hardened which is obviously difficult to pass. In general, drinking 2 litres of water per day is recommended. But if you are living in a hot climate and you sweat a lot then you should drink more than 2 litres.
2. Eat more fibres
Fibres are indigestible parts of plant food. We don’t get a lot of energy from fibres but still, it is very essential for our gut health. Fibres absorb water and make the poop softer and bulky. Moreover, fibres are somewhat clean and detoxify the gut from the inside. Many research has proven that increase intake of fibres is associated with a lower risk of gut cancer. Here are some fibre rich foods that you can eat:
- Wholegrain cereals, wholewheat pasta, wholegrain bread and oats, barley and rye.
- Fruit such as berries, pears, guava, and oranges.
- Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and sweetcorn.
- Peas, beans and pulses.
Nuts and seeds. - Potatoes with skin.
3. Do regular exercise
When you move your body, your gut also moves with it. As a result food particles in your gut passes down faster giving less time to your body to absorb water from the food particles. So you have a softer stool and faster bowel motion. We recommend at least 30 minutes of fast walking every day for good health.
4. Have sound sleep
Your gut never sleeps. It actually works better when you fall asleep. The digestion and absorption process works smoothly when you fall asleep. Here are some tips to help you to get quality sleep:
- Don’t use your cell phone at night in a dark room.
- Don’t watch late-night movies.
- Practice yoga/ meditation.
- Eat plenty of fruit juice and vegetables for detoxification.
- Maintain a comfortable temperature in your room.
- Use your bed only for sleeping. No more eating, reading, and watching TV sitting on your bed.
- Have a shower before going to bed.
- Use clean beddings.

5. Reduce red meat and dairy products intake
Your colon cries when you eat a lot of red meat and dairy products. These foods not only make constipation worse but also increases the chance of gut cancer. You should limit consumption of these foods if you are constipated.
6. Take laxatives
You can take natural laxatives like senna or over-the-counter laxatives. If these do not help you then visit a doctor for prescription laxatives.
7. Take Isabgol
There are many health benefits of isabgol (Psyllium Seed Husk). It contains a lot of dietary fibers. It not only relieves constipation but also cleans the gut. It also helps to fight obesity and keeps the cholesterol level down. Overall it is very good for diabetic patients and heart disease patients.
8. Take coffee
There is proof that coffee or other caffeinated beverages can help to make you poop. You can have a cup of coffee or tea in the morning.
9. Massage your tummy
Massing the abdomen in a certain pattern can increase bowel movement. This is usually done in the form of a deep message so that the pressure is exerted on the intestine. Your gut has some movement which is called peristalsis. It is a constriction and dilatation movement which helps to move the poop within the intestine. Tummy massaging can increase this movement.
10. Use enemas or suppositories
If nothing helps you then chances are glycerine suppositories and fleet enema would help you. It is ideal to take your doctor’s opinion before trying enemas and suppositories.
There are many causes of constipation. Some people may have some genetic problem causing constipation. Others may have some sort of cancer in the gut causing constipation. Therefore if you are suffering a lot or you see blood in your poop then visit a doctor as soon as possible.
MBBS, CCD, MPH, MRCP (UK). Specialty Doctor, Acute Medicine & Geriatrics, NHS, England. 12+ years of clinical experience.
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