This post is for someone who is interested in starting a new blog or perhaps for someone who started a new blog, created some posts but still not getting enough success.
Blogging has evolved a lot in the last few years especially after the introduction of Google snippet. Now Google or any other good search engine pulls the desired data from a piece of content and shows it directly on the search result. As a result, the search engine user does not have to click on the link to read the desired results. This is a nightmare for text-based content creators for example bloggers. The blogs are getting fewer clicks from the search engines which directly impacts the blog revenue.
The COVID19 pandemic has given birth to a lot of new bloggers. Due to the home-based jobs and economic decline, many new people explored the blogging world in the past year. The competitiveness in blogging has increased exponentially in the last year. Despite all these negative factors a few people are still enjoying their success in blogging. Now the question is, what the others are doing wrong? In this article, we have covered the top 5 blogging mistakes that new bloggers often do and how to avoid these mistakes. In another article, we have written How to start a new blog, get revenue, and succeed in 2021?
Top 5 blogging mistakes
1. Too much focus on the aesthetics
We all are guilty of this mistake. People often give too much emphasis on the appearance of their new website. Although the appearance is important, but at the beginning of a new blog, the blog posts are more important than the overall outlook of a website. People will visit your website to read your content, they will not visit your site for its beauty.
The key is creating as much as content possible in the first three months. The appearance would get better gradually. You can use a default WordPress theme at the beginning and once you have at least 30 blog posts only then start to improve the appearance. Keep your focus on creating valuable content, do SEO, and share these on social media.
2. Issue with content depth
Content depth is like a double-edged sword. The following two examples will clarify this point:
- Example one: Your target people are general people who do not have a medical degree. You are writing about ‘Pimples’ in your blog post. You have used a lot of medical jargon and your presentation was like a medical textbook. You have overwhelmed your audiences with the amount of information and difficult terminologies that they cannot process. So the end result would be you would get a few visitors, they would read a few sentences and then they will flee.
- Example two: You have written too much superficial content that it fails to add any value. For example, you are writing about weight loss and you only wrote – do regular exercise, eat healthily, drink more water, eat a keto diet, etc. Everybody knows that these things can cause weight loss. So there is no point of spending five minutes and read that post. You have to give some information about meal planning, exercise schedule, keto diet recipe, etc. to add value. You should give some new information to the readers so that they feel benefited after reading your blog post.
3. Not being the Niche
As a blogger you are a person, you are not a niche. A person may have talents. For example, your niche is beauty, but you also know a lot about cooking. Now if you don’t write anything about cooking in your blog then you are not letting one of your talents flourish. You are limiting yourself. And who knows! People could have liked your cooking-related posts more than beauty posts! So, be the niche instead of following a niche.
A person wants to make a relationship with another person. Nobody wants to make a relationship with a random website. So, be the brand ambassador of your brand. Let people know who you are, what you do, and what are your skills. People will make relationship with you, not with your blog posts.
4. Starting multiple blogs at a time
You have started a new blog and written a few posts for it. Some of your friends gave you likes, comments, and shares. Your newly learnt blogging skill is giving you so much encouragement that you have started another blog. This is a wrong idea. Don’t do it. Never ever start a second blog if the first one is not financially successful.
Getting visitors and getting financial success in a blog are two entirely different things. Financial success means the amount of time, money, and other resources you have invested for the new blog justifies the amount of earnings you have received from it. Only start a new blog when the previous one reaches the break-even point. Otherwise, both of your blogs may fail at the same time.
5. Not having enough patience
In the world of blogging the success comes in a very slow and painful way. Many bloggers have crossed the break-even point after six months of blogging, but for you, the situation may be different. You may not see success after one year of very hard work. The blogging world will test your patience for a long time.
The key is not to stop producing new content. The success will eventually come. Don’t be disheartened before writing 150 blog posts. If your blog posts are not successful for a long time then try to create some courses or products and sell those. Try to create some videos and post them in the blogs. A website has many earning potentials. You should explore every potential before you decide to stop blogging.
Blogging can be addictive if you are too enthusiastic about it. Sometimes after doing everything right you may not feel successful. You must know when to stop if it does happen to you. More than 90% of the new blogs never reach the level of financial success. This is indeed the bitter truth in the blogging world.
MBBS, CCD, MPH, MRCP (UK). Specialty Doctor, Acute Medicine & Geriatrics, NHS, England. 12+ years of clinical experience.
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