I recently received the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. In this article, I am going to share my experience with the Pfizer vaccine and the side effects I have had.
The first dose experience
I received the first dose of vaccine in the morning. They administered the vaccine over my left arm (deltoid muscle). The administration of the vaccine was not painful. The needle itself was quite small and narrow. It felt like a mosquito bite. I didn’t feel much discomfort. I drove my way home comfortably immediately after the vaccination. But after 2 hours I started to feel a little pain in the vaccination site. The pain was 2/10 in severity. The pain increased with the movement of my arm. The pain progressively increased as the day passed. During the nighttime, the pain became 5/10 in severity but it was localized with no radiation to anywhere else. The arm movement became a little difficult due to painful deltoid muscle.
The next morning the pain became 8/10 in severity and I couldn’t move my hand above my head. The vaccination site was warm and quite tender. It felt like the vaccine is accumulated in my deltoid muscle and it is injuring the surrounding muscle cells. But at the end of the second day, the pain started to decrease.
On the third day, the pain decreased further and I was able to move my arm in all directions. From the fourth day, I was pretty much normal.
I didn’t have any fever and chills. But on the first day, I felt a little weak for a few hours. And I felt hungrier than usual. I ate a lot.
The second dose experience
The second dose came exactly one month after the first dose. They administered the second dose on the same arm. Again the vaccination itself was not painful. But I remembered my past experience this time. That’s why I moved my arm a lot one hour after vaccination so that the vaccine perfectly spread. And, this process worked. I did not experience much pain in the vaccination site after my second dose. This time the pain severity was 4/10 at most and there was no movement restriction of my arm.
However, a few hours after the second dose I started to feel extremely tired. It felt like my body weight become double. I felt so tired that I could not do any work. I also felt very hungry. I ate a lot and slept for the rest of the day.
On the next day, my tiredness slightly subsided, but I was feeling some pain over my small joints (finger joints), and I also felt feverish. I measured my body temperature with a thermometer. My body temperature was normal but I felt a little feverish and had chills. I also felt a little short of breath.
From the start of the third day, all my symptoms started to go away. and on the fourth day, I was completely normal again.
I have heard many people have pain in the vaccination site and little fever after the vaccination. But small joints pain was a little unusual according to my knowledge. However, my vaccination process was completed without any extremely severe consequences. And overall I am very happy to be vaccinated against COVID 19. The side-effects were tolerable and I encourage everyone to get vaccinated and get booster dose as well.
MBBS, CCD, MPH, MRCP (UK). Specialty Doctor, Acute Medicine & Geriatrics, NHS, England. 12+ years of clinical experience.
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