Most of the top universities and medical colleges are located in developed countries. These educational institutes produce great doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, and paramedics. But some medical universities in developing countries are equally effective in creating high-skilled health workers. Learning medical science in a developing country can be very rewarding at times. This article talks about six benefits of learning and practicing medical science in a developing country.
In the US the average tuition fee for a public medical school student is around 38K USD per year and for public medical schools, the figure is somewhere around 60K mark. The cost of medical education in the USA is at least five times higher than that in India or Bangladesh. Therefore, after completion of medical degree, most US medical students experience a very high debt. Although this humongous cost can be well compensated later in the career, there is a way to escape this expenditure. The way is towards the medical schools in developing countries like India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.
At this point, you may think, can developing countries make great physicians? The answer is straight ‘yes’. At present, a quarter of all practicing physicians in the USA are International Medical graduates. In the UK 31.4% of senior doctors are Asians. These International Medical graduates are performing as per the native doctors.
2. Cost of living
Medical education is a lengthy process. It takes 6 to 9 years to complete primary medical education. Cost of living is a very important factor while calculating the total cost to complete a medical degree. The cost of living is way cheaper in developing countries compared to developed countries. The following two images show how the cost defers in Dhaka vs London, and Delhi vs New York.

3. Different learning opportunities
- Some of the diseases, especially infectious diseases are almost eradicated from the developed countries. For example, measles, tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, etc. Physicians in the developing world still find these cases, and can have practical experiences.
- The developing countries have limited resources to treat a case. It allows the physicians to learn how to best use the limited resources to generate maximum benefits. Sometimes, it gives the opportunity to improvise new techniques.
- Due to limited medical facilities medical students in developing countries often see two to three times more cases per day compared to a students in a developed country.
4. Learning a different culture
Learning about different countries, different cultures, and different types of people enhances life experience. It improves one’s communication skills. The total experience gathered in a foreign country can enhance cross-cultural awareness. Besides, the more places you will visit the more business and career opportunities you will get. Visiting a foreign country may open the way for better career opportunities.
5. Improved confidence
Studying medical science in a different country helps to understand the disease prevalence in different demographics better. Dealing with the different education systems and patients from different societies can boost a physician’s confidence level. The total experience altogether can increase the leadership skills and make one doctor’s network bigger and enriched.
6. Life experience
Traveling across the world and making lifelong friends will make you a true Global citizen. Your mind will be wide open to explore new possibilities. You will understand other people better. Your adaptability will be enhanced. You will re-discover yourself in a foreign land. You will have the opportunities to learn new languages, make new hobbies, and ultimately gain independence.
You live for once, so, make your life worthy of living, make it colorful, see as much world as you can. You are a Global citizen, and as long as you live, this world is yours!
MBBS, CCD, MPH, MRCP (UK). Specialty Doctor, Acute Medicine & Geriatrics, NHS, England. 12+ years of clinical experience.
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