Many people suffer from different types of skin problems during winter time. So common problems are cracked skin, dry skin, cracked lips, and excessive skin peeling. This article will is a must to read if you have similar skin conditions. Winter is particularly troublesome for people with dry skin. Please read the whole article to get rid of winter-related skin problems.
Extra dry air during the winter season absorbs essential moisture from your skin. Therefore, your skin becomes excessively dry. To counter this, you need a moisturizer. Well, moisturizers come in different levels of thickness. Please select the thickness according to the dryness of your skin. Generally, drier skins require thicker moisturizers.
If you like natural medicine, then here are a list of some natural moisturizer: organic extra virgin olive oil, and coconut oil. Besides these, glycerine and petroleum jelly also work well.
2. Treat cracked skin
Too much cold and dryness are the reasons for cracked skin on the hands and foot and on lips. For lip care always keep a lip gel in your pocket. In order to treat cracked hands and feet you would most probably need thicker moisturizers, such as urea containing moisturizer or thick glycerine liquid.
3. Keep it warm
If you keep your hands and feet warm and hydrated then you would also get rid of extra skin dryness. Warmth promotes increased blood circulation to the skin which means increased nutrition and hydration. Always wear gloves and proper socks to keep your hands and feet warm during the winter season.
If your room temperature is too cold then use the proper room heater and humidifier.
4. Stay hydrated
Drink plenty of water and liquid drinks to stay hydrated. Doctors recommend at least 2 liters of water intake every day. Too much dehydration is also responsible for hair dryness and hair fall in the winter season. Limit alcohol consumption because alcohol also causes dehydration.
5. Eat right
Foods are the mildest forms of medicine. Try to eat more green leafy vegetables and fruits during winter. These food items contains lots of water which helps to keep hydrated throughout the day.
6. Shower properly
Don’t shower using too much hot water. If the water is too hot it will dissolve the natural oil from your skin and hair causing dry skin and hair. Therefore, bathe with slightly warm water. Try to bathe daily too keep your skin hydrated.
7. Use proper skincare products
Some people are inherently sensitive to soaps, shampoos, and washing liquids. The alkali within these products absorbs moisture from the skin causing skin peeling and dry skin. Therefore, use mild cleansers, for example, soap-free cleansers. Using baby soaps are also a good idea. In general, baby soaps are suitable for sensitive skin.
Use proper gloves and protective clothing before dishwashing or hand washing your delicate dress. Avoid, skincare products that are already know to you as irritant products.
8. Use sunscreen
People in general have a misconception about using sunscreens. Sunscreens are not only to protect from scorching heat but also from UV rays. In wither times, the sun may become milder but it’s ultraviolet rays always persists. Besides, sunscreens also contain moisturizers which keeps the skin hydrated.
Here, I have written about some of the basics of skincare during the winter season. If you have further queries then feel free to write me in the comment section. Thank you.
MBBS, CCD, MPH, MRCP (UK). Specialty Doctor, Acute Medicine & Geriatrics, NHS, England. 12+ years of clinical experience.
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