1 Garlic Clove a Day Eat It This Way Your Body Will Love You

The single clove of garlic can significantly benefit your cardiovascular system, heart arteries, blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides, helping keep your arteries clear and healthy. By delivering oxygen to all the cells in your body, you’ll discover numerous simple health tips. Garlic’s health benefits largely stem from a compound called allicin, which is, a substance present in fresh garlic.

When garlic is crushed, chopped, or otherwise damaged, an enzyme called allinase converts allin into allicin. Allowing crushed garlic to sit for 7 to 10 minutes lets allicin develop, bringing out its medicinal properties. Allicin, responsible for garlic’s distinct smell and taste, contributes to lowering blood pressure.

It stimulates nitric oxide production in the body, a molecule that relaxes and dilates blood vessels, improving blood flow and reducing blood pressure. Visualize your arteries with the heart pumping blood through them to your cells, glands, and tissues. When stressed with high cortisol and adrenaline levels.

Arteries constrict, forcing the heart to pump harder and increasing blood pressure. Nitric oxide from allicin helps dilate these arteries, easing the heart’s workload and lowering blood pressure. Garlic also acts as an angiotensin-converting enzyme, ACE, inhibitor, similar to medications used for hypertension.

By reducing the production of angiotensin II, A hormone that constricts blood vessels, garlic helps lower blood pressure. Additionally, garlic’s powerful antioxidants fight free radicals, keeping blood vessels clean, and preventing LDL cholesterol from sticking and oxidizing. By neutralizing free radicals, garlic’s antioxidants help maintain healthy blood pressure.

Allicin also reduces inflammation linked to hypertension, promoting better blood flow. Regarding cholesterol, garlic lowers total cholesterol, bad cholesterol, and triglycerides, reducing artery plaque and preventing blood clots, thus enhancing cardiovascular health. To consume garlic effectively, chop it up and let it sit for 7 to 10 minutes before eating.

While chewing raw garlic can be strong, there are easier ways to ingest it. Mix chopped garlic with a teaspoon of honey, add it to plain yogurt, or squeeze citrus juice over it to balance the taste. Combining garlic with nut butter or using it in homemade salad dressings with olive oil, vinegar, mustard, herbs, and spices can also help.

Personally, I chop garlic. Let it sit then swallow it with water and follow with lemon water. Doing this on an empty stomach feels more effective. Though garlic is beneficial anytime, supplementing this practice twice daily, can offer immense health benefits not just for your arteries and blood pressure, but for overall health and longevity.

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